It’s May.
If you have school-aged kids, only December rivals May in the number of obligations and fun. We revel in the fact that, for the most part, we are post-COVID and lifted restrictions have green light-ed all the end of school year things. Many kids are experiencing the celebrations, concerts, ceremonies and parties for the first time. It’s wonderful and exciting and it’s such a blessing to be back to normal.
We’re rusty.
We creak and groan under the sign up geniuses (sure, I can bring 3 gallons of sweet tea to school by 8am), requests for help (yep, I can proctor an AP exam), need for certain clothes (last year’s dress pants are now capris that don’t fly with the 13yo boy crowd?), and calendar requests that more than fill the suddenly miniscule-sized box for each day in May. Pre-COVID, this felt extra busy. Now it feels impossible.
But we really are grateful for back to normal.
We really do appreciate the teachers and staff (extra, because this year- like the last two- has been extra).
We really do want to celebrate the accomplishments and hard work and completions and graduations and all the very many things.
So, we WD40 our creaks (with extra chocolate, extra coffee, extra grace) and then we octopus. We grow superhuman skills and muster energy we didn’t think we had to try our best not to flounder through these last weeks of school. We tentacle out to do, see, try, make and notice. And sometimes, we ink. It just is.

Regardless of how many extra arms we grow this month, I take great comfort in knowing God is the master octopus. He has His hands on all the things, all the time, and He does it with a loving heart. Regardless of how crazed, crabby, snippy or exhausted I get this month, I know God will see me through this, because in the grand scheme of things, this is *just* a busy season.