“God, please make the next step obvious.”
I prayed last week as I drove to Asheville, NC for the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writer’s Conference. After many months of self-doubt, self-loathing and writing stagnation, I prayed those days in the mountains would help me discern that writing is the conduit for me to connect with God, meant just for me, not for others. I would come home relieved and at peace with the decision to consider writing a hobby.
I promptly forgot that prayer, confident God would readjust me, and only remembered it on the trip home on the same stretch of freeway.
God is so faithful, in ways I hadn’t predicted.
I met so many lovely people at the conference who shared their table, hearts and incredible stories. I prayed with people I’d just met- for healing for them or their friends, for God-centered appointments with industry professionals. It was beautiful, praying at a moment’s notice, knowing we both needed to share our hearts with our heavenly Father.
I had two successful pitches to literary agents- lovely, fierce, lively women with whom I am excited to share my novel. Though I’m thrilled to send them proposals, I’m only cautiously optimistic; I’ve been here before.
Each day started and ended with praise and worship- a room of 500 believers raising their hands and voices together. That juxtaposition of faith and profession is precious. Goosebumps bloomed several times.
I won second place in a contest for unpublished contemporary women’s fiction. After I submitted in April, I didn’t hear anything more; I assumed I wasn’t a finalist and didn’t mention the contest to anyone. That meant I was alone in the back row when they read my name aloud in the reception with over 600 people. When I got back to my seat and with trembly hands, I took a picture of the certificate and texted my husband to share the good news with someone I knew.

I don’t have a contract with an agent (yet?) or a publisher, I didn’t win first place in the contest, and I don’t have thousands of words flying off my fingers as I type, but I DO have an obvious next step. The encouragement I got at the conference was an unexpected answer to my prayer.
And so, I’ll keep writing for other people, and in the process God will bless me.
Congratulations! So happy your trip was so positive. You deserve it!
Thank you!
Yay! Congratulations. I love how God nudges us forward with encouragement at just the right time. He has a good plan.
Thank you Tim! It was great to meet you and Debbie at BRMCWC!
I love everything about this! 💕 Congratulations Jenni!
Thank you, friend!
Many years ago, 20 to be exact, 2005, to be exact, I won second place in that same contest for unpublished writers at the BRMCWC. Eventually, I sold a story– not that one, but 2 manuscripts later. But it was what I needed at the time, to hear form God that I was on the right track. May He bless your writing! Don’t let the enemy discourage you. And take time to enjoy the journey.
Ane! Thank you for sharing your story with me. I appreciate your encouragement!
I remember the photo but glad to hear how your experience unfolded Jenni.
Congratulations on your award! Keep moving forward and hopefully we’ll see you in 2023!
Thank you Daphne!
Thank you!
Jenni, Thank you for sharing your experience. It’s encouraging to know that we’re not alone in this and God hears our prayers even though He doesn’t always answer in the way we expect.
Thanks Nicki! I have to remind myself of His sovereignty when I start to wonder or steamroll. Remembering that is easier said than done for me. 🙂
Congratulations! I’m so happy for you. You are a talented writer. I hope this is the beginning of new adventures and successful times ahead.
Thanks Monica! Me too! 🙂
This is very exciting, congratulations Jenni!💕
Thanks Rachel!
Congratulations, Jenni! Thank you for your transparent heart ♥️ I’m so glad you attended Blue Ridge this year.
Thanks Linda! I so enjoyed meeting you at BRMCWC. Your keynote was my favorite. 🙂
Congratulations! One foot in front of another.
Bless your journey!
Yes! Thank you!
Congratulations. You had a great conference. God is good.
Thanks Lori!
It was such a joy to meet you and I so appreciate your prayers for me. Your experience at the conference and the surprise of winning second place in the contest mirrors my first experience at Blue Ridge in 2019. God gave me the encouragement I needed then just as He did for you this year. He is faithful!
Deena! I’ve been thinking about and praying for you. It was great to meet you too. I hope you are feeling better.
Thank you for sharing your heart. God is so good.
He sure is. Thanks for reading, Venus!