“You should do at least one thing every day that scares you.”
I’m not sure I’m living up to this advice I just recently heard as I watched my younger daughter plunge from that silo.
I’ve been thinking about it since, picking at it, trying to justify my choices, minimize what I’m not doing and maximize what I am doing. Other people’s fears bug me sometimes, and it’s easy to get sanctimonious about all the things that don’t bother me.
I will drive anywhere (downtown, in traffic, to an unfamiliar city, etc), eat most anything (at least once- sushi isn’t really risky, but much of it is delicious), talk to strangers (so many great conversations have bloomed from talking to someone new), try a lot of activities at least once (any roller coaster, underwater caving, parasailing, fun-yaking, etc).
So when someone tells me they don’t like something they’ve never actually tried, or something that I have tried that doesn’t seem like a big deal to me, I inwardly groan and then build myself up on their limitations.
Open water gives me the hibby jibbies. Centipedes make my skin crawl. Though I love dogs, fierce ones lunging at me make me hide behind my mom- don’t ask). I find it hard to breathe when I’m up high and don’t have much to hold onto, so bungee jumping and skydiving are a hard pass for me.
The Bible has a whole lotta lot to say about fear and how we shouldn’t have any. Here’s a bit:
“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
-Isaiah 41:10
Though the prophet’s message was originally intended for a Jewish audience almost 3,000 years ago, the truth here is that God is with us as well. He will empower us to overcome fears, face difficult things, and strike out into new territory. But if we do all this without glorifying Him in the process, I think we miss the point.
So, I’ve decided my every day living should include something difficult but done for God, regardless of how uncomfortable or scared I feel.
That was very brave of Josie jumping off the silo but also fun. I love all your writings gives me a chance to think about all my fears and God. I hope you will keep writing – you always give me something to think about.
Thanks for watching and reading!