A soccer era came to a close last weekend (news for another post) and that meant for the first time since the weather has turned we had an open Saturday. Top priority was making the front yard and drive look less like an abandoned home and more like our neighbors’ houses.
Because in the winter we heat our home with a wood-burning fireplace insert, we scout out and gather wood year-round, hence the enormous pile of stumps littering one lane of our driveway. Though my husband enjoys splitting wood with his foofy new German ax (despite nearly slicing off his big toe a few months ago- yet another post), these stumps were too wide for him to manhandle so he rented a gas-powered splitter for the morning. I helped, which means I mostly stood around watching, swept a bit of sawdust and dirt, rolled a few logs closer to the splitter. Big deal.
But that splitter, it is a big deal. It sliced through those stumps without hesitation or struggle, a blade neatly dividing the wood into ever-decreasing sections. It’s efficiency impressed me. It’s power was something to behold.
Everything is relative.
Though the splitter could tackle a job that would’ve taken us considerably more time, it’s power pales in comparison to the power of the Almighty who breathed life into the world. With His thought, His breath, His ideas, light sparked, waters separated, planets whirled, animals formed. Though His concept of a day may differ from ours, His power managed feats we can only read about in Genesis.
It’s easy for me to minimize or forget how powerful God is, yet marvel about a fairly simple power tool that can ease a Saturday spent in the front yard. So what else am I minimizing or forgetting about God? What earthly things catch my attention, attention better spent on Him?
That’s quite a machine. Steer clear sweet Jenni. Thx for this one. I forget as I scamper around daily trying to fix things out of my control. Then I remember. He’s got it. I forget he’s totally in control. That we are his children, children of the King. I’m thankful for so much and that includes you and your entire family. So good to see you recently. Hugs n love. B
So many good wake-up calls in everyday life if I have open eyes and an open heart. Thanks for reading, Barb!