I am not, not was I ever, an athlete. I have no sport legacy, no genetic gift or equipment to pass down. I can only promise to get my kids what they need and where they need to be, sort of on time.
Eighteen years and many sports seasons have netted a wide range of experiences- some terrific, some disappointing, many in between. None have been as sweet as the last four years of soccer for our younger son.
I could write about how this team grew him into a better, more aggressive player. I could detail all the ways the team increased his chances of playing high school soccer. I could list all the lessons he learned as they battled for position in a bracket a full year older than almost all the players on the team.

But. In this mama’s heart those sports stats pale in comparison to what he takes away from the Titans that has little to do with the sport of soccer.
These families. Man. In the last several years together, we have been through it. Births- sweet and precious, one more complicated than average. Deaths- of pets, grandparents, siblings. That last one, it still takes my breath away over two years later- all these tweens supporting the family who lost so much in a tiny boy taken too soon. We mourned but we also celebrated: successes, business ventures, birthdays and school accomplishments. Older siblings of players coached the kids in the winter off-season, and dads coached whenever needed.

The final season ended a few weeks ago with an epic pizza buffet and a 90 minute video recap of each player on the team, but the heart of this organization still beats, in the active chat thread, promises of team meet-ups and well wishes posted every few days. These families are some of the most generous and kind people I know.

Parents live vicariously through their kids and I am no exception, especially when it comes to sports. But the Titan take-away is as much mine as it is my son’s, as much as it is the rest of my family’s. I am so, so grateful for this special team, these special people and the special bond we share. #Titansforlife

So very, very well said. ❤️😊
Thanks Trevor! Thanks for reading, but way more than that, thanks for leading this group so well for so many years!
Always beautiful penned writings 🎉🎉🎉❤️❤️❤️
Thanks Auntie Renee! And thanks for reading!
Such a special tribute to the team, family, coaches and everyone else involved.
Thanks! And thanks for reading!
Just love this piece Jenni and the pics. I could even pick out Theo. God bless. B
Nicely written. I mean you know my relationship with the sport and it’s continued on into fandom, being a co-president and founder of a supports club. I would invite him to take advantage of getting involved in a supporters club if he has a favorite team and if he doesn’t have one, he can go to my old club. I’ve met some really wonderful people through it (and miss them terribly).
Great idea! He’s in 8th grade this year, so we have another year of club and hopefully 4 years of high school ball before he moves to the sidelines, but I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks for reading!