Words weave stories that bring people together, stories that shine God’s light in dark places, stories that redeem, uplift and inspire.
With a courtship that began at the age of three (spelling cheese “chee-e-z” from my older brother’s word list), I have been in love with words nearly my entire life.
When I’m not swooning over what I’m reading, I divide my time caring for my husband, four kids and two dogs (the naughty one, lucky for him, stole my heart). We call a chaotic house in Westerville, Ohio home. In the five minutes that remain, I write (things like website bios while kids run around screaming behind me), and sometimes there are complete thoughts in the writing.
I delight in a great read, fellowship with women, silliness in unexpected places and a good iced coffee. More than all these earthly things, I am enchanted with my Heavenly Father, work to draw nearer to Him, and relish the time I spend with Him as I write. To Him be the glory.